Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pencalonan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia

75 pencalonan/190 bahagian @ 39.5 %

52 pencalonan/190 bahagian @ 27.4 %

62 pencalonan/190 bahagian @ 32.6 %

SUARA AKAR UMBI.. dah tarik diri....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I told a great friend, that the results of the Ketua Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Teluk Intan is a fate that was fated. And as Believers and Faithfuls, we believe that everything that occured has all the consent of Allah Al-Mighty and reasons to it. The wisdom will be known later.

I was at a couple of meetings today. The one in the afternoon was a legally-money-making-matter and the one was earlier tonight. The first one made me believed one was It was a sort of 'think-tank' meeting for one of the hopeful candidate in the upcoming UMNO national election. I always feel at ease at these kind of meetings, because I think I'm a better behind-the-scene-operator than being the main-stage-actor.

Let me just note here on how much responsibility I have entrusted upon at this moment.

1) Appointed committee member of Perak State Malay Chambers of Commerce 2007-2010

2) By virtue of No 1, appointed Chairman of the State Young Entreprenuer Chambers (De

3) By virtue of No. 2, appointed Deputy Chairman of the National Young Entreprenuer Chambers

Friday, October 17, 2008


Kenyataan Akhbar Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Mengenai Peranan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu berhubung dengan hak-hak keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan atau kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, agama Islam, Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan, kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain mengikut Perlembagan Persekutuan.

“Raja-raja Melayu yang menghadiri Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja telah berunding mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar khas bersama pada hari ini.

Raja-raja Melayu mempunyai peranan perlembagaan untuk melindungi keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi Agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia.

Tindakan pihak-pihak tertentu mempertikai dan mempersoalkan perkara-perkara tersebut yang menjadi asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia dan termasuk dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah menimbulkan kegusaran dan keresahan di kalangan rakyat. Sebagai tindakbalas, beberapa pihak terutama pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu sama ada yang berada dalam kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan orang perseorangan telah menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati dan marah terhadap pihak yang membuat kenyataan dan laporan dan menganjurkan forum-forum berkenaan.

Antara sebab-sebab yang dikenalpasti berlakunya perkara ini ialah kedangkalan pengetahuan pihak berkenaan terhadap latar belakang sejarah mengapa peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut dimaktubkan dalam Perlembangaan Persekutuan dan pengaruh prinsip-prinsip kesaksamaan dan keadilan yang cuba diimplikasikan di negara ini tanpa berjunjungkan latar belakang sejarah dan keadaan sosial negara ini. Kepentingan politik sempit juga merupakan penyebab berlakunya perkara ini.

Gejala ini jika tidak ditangani dengan segera boleh menyebabkan negara terjebak dalam kancah perpecahan dan persengketaan antara kaum yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian dan keamanan yang selama ini telah membawa kemajuan, pembangunan dan kejayaan kepada negara.

Justeru, adalah perlu Majlis Raja-Raja menegaskan dan memperingatkan semua pihak tentang peruntukan-peruntukan perlembagaan tersebut di samping memberi penekanan tentang jaminan perlindungan hak-hak sah kaum lain. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa setiap peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah melalui proses perbincangan, pertimbangan, konsultansi, pengorbanan dan sifat tolak ansur yang sangat tinggi nilainya bagi apa yang telah diperjuangkan, diperbincangkan, dipertimbangkan, dimanfaatkan serta dipersetujui oleh semua pihak yang terlibat, sehingga wujudnya peruntukan-peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang dikenali sebagai Kontrak Sosial.

Kontrak Sosial ini tidak wajar dipertikai dan dipersoalkan lebih-lebih lagi disemak semula atau diubah kerana ia adalah merupakan asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia. Untuk itu Raja-raja Melayu wajar memperingatkan supaya isu berkaitan Kontrak Sosial tidak sekali-kali cuba diuji dan dicabar.

Sesungguhnya, angkatan pemimpin di era prakemerdekaan, berfikiran dalam - berpandangan jauh. Raja-raja Melayu telah dibawa bersama semasa rundingan menuntut kemerdekaan. Institusi raja dikekalkan dan dimaktubkan secara perundangan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia Merdeka. Institusi raja diberikan kemuliaan, ditempatkan di puncak kerajaan, sebagai Ketua Negara dan Ketua Negeri, laksana payung pelindung, menjamin berlakunya kesaksamaan di kalangan warga. Institusi raja berperanan sebagai faktor penyemak dan pengimbang, untuk merungkai sebarang kekusutan, sekiranya berlaku.

Raja-raja Melayu juga membuat seruan kepada orang Melayu supaya bersatu-padu untuk mempertahankan keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Penekanan juga perlu dibuat bahawa agenda ini adalah lebih penting dan utama dari kepentingan politik atau kelompok.

Kaum bukan Melayu tidak perlu merasa khuatir dan bimbang tentang hak-hak sah mereka kerana hak-hak tersebut telah dijamin mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan peruntukan-peruntukan yang terkandung dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri-negeri di Malaysia yang termaktub dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Adalah diharapkan dengan penegasan tersebut, segala kekeliruan berhubung dengan perkara ini di kalangan rakyat jelata dapat dibendung dan suatu suasana yang harmoni, aman dan sikap saling hormat menghormati di kalangan rakyat dapat terus diwujudkan demi menjaga ketenteraman negara.”


Press Statement issued by the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal on the role of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Malay Rulers regarding the special privileges, position, eminence or greatness of the Malay Rulers, Islam, Malay as the national language, The special position of the Malays, and genuine interests of the other communities in accordance with the Federal Constitution.

"The Malay Rulers who attended the meeting of the Conference of Rulers conferred on the issuing of this special joint press statement today.

The Malay Rulers hold the constitutional role to safeguard the special privileges, position, eminence and greatness of the Malay Rulers, safeguard Islam, Malay as the National Language, and the genuine interests of the other communities in Malaysia.

The actions of certain quarters in disputing and questioning these matters, which formed the primary basis for the formation of Malaysia and are enshrined in the Federal Constitution, had caused provocation and uneasiness among the people.

In retaliation, several quarters particularly Malay leaders whether in the government or non-governmental organisations as well as individuals had expressed their dissatisfaction and anger against those who had made the statements and reports and organised the forums.

Among the reasons identified for these to have occurred is the cursory knowledge of those concerned regarding the historical background as to why these provisions were enshrined in the Federal Constitution and the influence of their attempts to implicate the principles of impartiality and justice without regard for the historical background and social condition of this country. Narrow political interests are also a cause.

Unless this phenomenon is arrested immediately, it can lead to disunity and racial strife that can undermine the peace and harmony which has all this while brought progress, development and success to the nation.

As such, it is necessary for the Conference of Rulers to emphasise and remind all quarters of these constitutional provisions besides giving emphasis to the assurance of safeguarding the genuine rights of other communities.

It has to be emphasised that each provision in the Federal Constitution has undergone the process of discussion, consideration, consultancy, sacrifice and compromise of the highest degree for what has been championed, discussed, considered, benefited from as well as agreed to by all quarters concerned, until the realisation of the provisions in the Federal Constitution which are known as the Social Contract.

It is not proper to dispute and question this Social Contract and more so to subject it to a review or change because it is the primary basis of the formation of Malaysia.

Therefore, it is appropriate for the Malay Rulers to remind that there should never be any attempt ever to test and challenge issues related to the Social Contract.

Truly, the leaders of the pre-independence era were insightful -- far-sighted. They brought along with them the Malay Rulers for the negotiations to claim independence. The Institution of the Rulers was retained and legally enshrined in the constitution of an independent Malaysia.

The Institution of the Rulers was accorded eminence, was positioned at the apex of Government, as the head of the country and the states, as a protective umbrella, ensuring impartiality among the citizens.

The Institution of Rulers takes on the role of being a check-and-balance factor to untangle complications, if any.

The Conference of Rulers also calls on the Malays to be united to safeguard the privileges, position, eminence and greatness of the Malay Rulers, safeguard Islam, Malay as the national language, and the genuine interests of the other communities in Malaysia as enshrined in the Federal Constitution. It has to be emphasised that this agenda is more important and foremost than political or factional interests.

Non-Malays should not harbour any apprehension or worry over their genuine rights because these rights are guaranteed under the Federal Constitution and provisions of the state constitutions of Malaysia contained in Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.

It is hoped that with this emphasis, all confusion among the people regarding these matters can be contained and an atmosphere of peace, harmony and mutual respect can continue to exist among the people for the maintenance of order in the country."

Change !! For The Children of Tommorrow..

I follow the Mo
skva Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

An August summer night

Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in
Did you ever think

That we could be so clo
se, like brothers
The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere

g with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories are buried in the past forever
I follow the Moskva Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams

With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell

For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing

What my guitar wants to

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away

In the wind of change

The King & The 3 Musketeer

Setiap perubahan mestilah untuk kebaikan atau penambahbaikan. Setiap perubahan menuntut pergorbanan. Setiap pergorbanan adalah usaha gigih. Pergorbanan adalah termasuk mengakui kesilapan dan kelemahan diri kita sendiri.

Jangan sekali-kali kita lupa atau leka bahawa di atas bahu kita terletak harapan masa depan anak cucu cicit kita. Jangan lagi kita mengadu atau mengeluh, kerana hanya kita sahajalah yang dapat mengubah nasib diri kita sendiri.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cerita Orang...

Beli tidak menjadi. Pujuk rayu tidak layu. Tipu helah menjadi parah. Serba salah.

Sepanjang pagi Isnin, YB K merenung patung kuda hitam di atas meja. Di dalam tangan tergenggam lama shaker garam. Hidangan kopi Hawaiiian Blue Mountain yang mahal dihidang Norin isteri tersayang masih belum dijamah-jamah lagi.

Dari sejak balik malam sampai ke pagi, otaknya masih belum berhenti berfikir dan hatinya belum reda bergolak. Terperanjat, marah dan runsing. Badannya sepatut penat tetapi masih belum dapat tidor yang puas.

Honey, honey … you’ve been staring at the kuda hitam with the salt shaker in your hands for two hours. You are due at Parliament. You don’t want to be not seen appearing. Snap out of it!”

Suara Norin menyedarkan YB K dari lamunan. Norin sudah lali dengan gelagat ahli politik. Sepanjang hidupnya dia melihat ayah turun naik dalam politik

I must have dozed off. Penatlah sayang,” YB K berhelah.

Mulutnya masih berat hendak berkata-kata. Sebenarnya telor goreng scramble telah ditabur-tabur banyak garam, tapi masih lagi tawar.

“Mikael sudah bangun? I nak cium dia sebelum pergi Parlimen.”

Sambil melangkah ke bilik dining, Norin teriak dengan agak terkawal kuatnya, “Shhh ... Dia masih tidor lah bang. Baru pukul berapa.”

Kalau Mikael bangun, susah dia nak buat kerja. Maid tengah sibuk basuh dua beg baju kotor YB Khairul di belakang.


Dalam perjalanan ke Parlimen, YB K tidak henti sedang memikirkan mencari jalan untuk langkah seterusnya yang harus dilakukan. Dia duduk di belakang dalam kereta Toyota Land Cruiser KJ 10Q. Sewaktu musim-musim pemilihan, dia simpan Kereta Volvo X90 berlesen NBK 10. Letih hendak mengelak dipanggil penganggur terkaya.

Selalunya apabila ke Parlimen dan mana-mana urusan rasmi, Qausabil terpaksa kelihatan macam pemandu.

“Susah kita brader.” YB K memulakan perbualan.

“Rasanya kita kena fikirkan untuk cuba nombor dua.”

Diam sahaja Quasabil.

“Kalau ada pencalunan Naib, kita boleh kasi orang semua meneka permainan kita. Jali is no match. Rizar Nana tu monyet budak Universiti tempatan. Without me, he is finish also.”

“Sambil tu, biar kita teruskan pencalunan for Ketua. But I will say, I leave it to grassroot.”

Quasabil bertanya, “Look that Javanese Dr Kafi Johari is closing on you. He is just 7 shy. He is grassroot. See how worked up Gelang Patah and …. what that Division when we did a number on them. Mokhlis is like a steamin Obama. Will that take our eye of the ball, Cheap?”

I’ll accept the fact Mokhlis is Manchester United leading by 10 points. It may seemed like Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool is competiting with each other and strengthen Man U’s lead. But this Pemuda politics! They are not heartless like English footballer.”

I don’t get you, Cheap,” Quasabil bertanya.

Man U are so professional that even after winning the EPL, they still would obliterate the bottom table team at the last game of the season. Not Pemuda and not when Mokhlis secured minimum requirement. They will let up.”

“Kau tahu buat muka kesian?” Quasabil bertanya.

“Aku sedar kita dapat menang Bandar Tun Abdul Razak kerana buat muka kesian and merayu. Rupanya oreng Melayu boleh ubah keputusan apabila kita buat muka kesian dan macam mangsa. Very irrationally emotional race!”

Glad you finally realised. I’ve been hinting to you all along.” Quasa lega sambil kereta masuk ke perkarangan Parlimen.

“Quasa … jangan lalu di pintu utama. Kita letak kereta jauh-jauh and jalan. Biar nampak saya tidak dapat layanan istimewa.”

Betul dia sudah faham, bisik Quasabil dalam hati.

“Mokhlis will falter next week onward. If he doesn’t we will make him falter. Next time I will sit in front."


“Kita perlu dapat ckup pencalunan untuk bertanding saja. Lepas ini ada lima bulan. Only I can afford to maintain the 600 last till March 2009. Not even Mokhlis and Dr Khafi,” YB K membuat arahan dengan angkuh sekali kepada “tentera” kempen 10 orang dalam Mesyuarat.

“Jadi kolum NST to hanya decoy saja?” Mantayla berkata.

“Ya, kita kena buat muka kesian di hadapan. Belakang biar saya uruskan sendiri.” Kalimuttu menjawab.

“Kamu semua kena buat cerita seolah-olah Mokhlis belanja RM10 juta untuk dapatkan pencalunan begitu banyak dan cepat macam Anwar Ibrahim,” YB K menerangkan rancangannya.

“Tapi jangan sebut bahagian Mokhlis menang.”

Dr Vincente Lee mencelah, “Yes definitely. We have to avoid any backfire. Bloody goody goody botak. Mention divisions belonging to those Dr Khafi won.”

“Betul Cheap. Kita kena teruk. Mana ada usul akarumbi dari floor, kita kalah. Kita tak cukup blok. Tempat kita kuat macam bahagian yang ada Ketua Pemuda Negeri dan Menteri macam Kota Melaka, Pasir Gudang, Bentong, Kota Belud dan Langkawi pun kalah. Rozhan Dahari di Tuaran kena mandi dan talqin.” Timbalan Menteri Dato Wan Feris bersuara.

“Baiklah. Saya sudah cakap dengan ayah mertua, Perdana Menteri, Abdillah Baduri mintak tolong turunkan wahyu. Dia sudah talipon semua ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi, Ketua-Ketua Bahagian dan Menteri-Menteri untuk masuk campur dalam Mesyaurat Pemuda Bahagian masing-masing.”

Will that work, Cheap?” tanya Wan Feris lagi.

“Dia sudah umum hendak undur. Sekarang orang tak boleh kritik dia dan tindakan –tindakannya. Orang kesian. Kalau dia merayu mintak last favour, mereka akan tolong. … Senang dalam 50 pencalunan senang-senang”

Hey hey boy … get me another cup,” YB K arah messenger pejabat untuk bancuh satu lagi mug kopi untuknya.

“Kita kena ingat antara yang menyebabkan kita kalah adalah kerana Ketua Pemuda Negeri selalu belasah Tun Dr Mamat dan Dato Mokhlis. Imej kamu satu masaalah juga. Persepsi kamu korup dan jual negara terlalu kuat.” katanya Dato Norzaini Ketot.

WTF when did I did all these? Its all perception game by bloggers and my political opponent. Proof the allegations! Proof proof … proof it!”

“Apa benda kau marah marah ni, boss? Kita belum jawab betul-betul EDN Lire. Belum lagi urusan-urusan yang melibatkan Terasik.” Norzaini cuba meredakan kemarahan YB Khairul.

Dato Zakri menyelit, “Sabarlah Cheap. I will deliver for you Putrajaya. Don’t worry! There is a lot at stake for all of us . Off course, I am not looking at the option of Osman Tong take control of Tingkat 4 yet. We are a team but we do not know his true colour. That sly sonofabitch has been telling people he is distancing from us. His proposal has been modified by us.”

Okay okay … I am cool.” kata YB K.

“Kita kena pakai psikologi terbalik. Timbulkan salah faham antara budak-budak Dr Khafi dan Mokhlis. Buat seolah-olah Mokhlis guna wang untuk menafikan Bahagian yang Dr Khazi yakin dapat. Mungkin dengan semua menyerang pendahulu, kita dapat lakukan seperti yang berlaku apabila Tan Sri Mohideen kalah dari kedudukkan nombor satu Naib Presiden.”

Dalit dari Kelantan mencelah,”Okay lah. Ambo dah ambi kiro doh. Cumo nak peringat. Jange lupo selamatke Keluang dan Pulai. Takut sentimen dan cerita salahlaku demo di Johor Baru dan Gelang Patoh bule kena balik kak kito.”

“Tempat-tempat macam Bukit Mertajam, dan kawasan orang-orang Abdillah nak bantu dah diketahui orang. Takut kena balik.”

“Kalau kita ganas macam di Sekijang, bayar seorang perwakilan RM5 ribu. Kita menang situ dari YB Aiyubi tapi tempat lain macam mana? Takut kena baik. Takut kena balik …”


“Takut kena balik. Takut kena balik. Takut kena balik.”

Beulang-ulang kata-kata akhir Dalit bergema dalam kepala YB K.

Tiba-tiba YB K sedar dirinya sedang dalam Mesyaurat Pemuda Rembau sedang bersidang. Seorang hadhirin bangun membuat usul mencalunkan Mokhlis.

Lalu YB K bangun dan menjerit menahan pencalunan itu. “Saya belum dapat satu pencalunan dari Negeri Sembilan. Jangan malukan saya. Usul itu tidak dibenarkan!”

Dengan tiba-tiba seorang perwakilan berlari ke arahnya. Dia hanya kaku melihat sebilah keris datang menikamnya. Dengan badannya berlumur darah, dia hanya dapat mendengar seluruh dewan bersorak-sorak … Hidup Melayu! Bunuh Pengkhianat!

YB K terkejut dari mimpi. Mengigil sejuk badanya. Peluh sejuk mengalir dari dahinya.

Dengan keadaan panik dia gugah kejut isterinya yang tidor sebelah babycot Mikael sambil menjerit-jerit menangis, “Pindah Perth besok sayang. Mari kita pindah Perth besok sayang ...!!!”

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Short Personal Note...

Active-grass-root-politics is only for those with huge soul and huge heart. Mereka yang berjiwa dan berhati besar. I'm not sure about high-level-politics because I'm not there, yet. But for those who aspire to be actively involved at the grass-root level, my warning is, think it over, again!

If you earn less than RM 36,000.00 fixed annual salary, need to sleep more than 6 hours a day, married for less than 10 years, lousy at poker-face-game, tactless, suffering from weak heart, you better stay away from active-grass-root-politics because it is gonna break your heart, damage your pocket, mess up your routine-life, disillusion all that you ever ideally dream of and eventually kill you.

Its a rough world down here and your survival will depend on how street-smart you are.

Some of my friends will argue this statement, and will ask me to rephrase active-grass-root-politics to UMNO politics. Either way, I humbly warn you.

Today is a day before the big day for two division youth chief hopefuls. The incumbent is Nadziruddin Mohamed Bandi and the challenger is Yuzaili Yusof. As I'm writing this in my office in Ipoh, I'm informed that the scene in Teluk Intan is getting heavy. Heavy with last minute lobbies, campaigns, barter trades, persuasions and preparations before delegates cast their votes in 18 hours time. And in less than 24 hours from now, results will be out and all the hard work for the last 3 years will be answered, masquerades and camouflages exposed, prayers laid to rest and friendships taken to stern test.

I have not sleep a single minute since 2 pm yesterday, and I don't think I will have time for much sleep until tomorrow evening. I have not met my children in proper manner (while they are awake) for the last few days. I've been taking my pills regularly. I have lost track of proper meal-time. I have not carried out my legal firm duties for more than 10 days and I have not had my favourite DBI terrace Penang Char Koay Tiaw for weeks. I have not think about any other thing other than the Ketua Pemuda Bahagian Teluk Intan contest.

Some people got it wrong. I may have won unopposed but this is not about me. This is about the relevancy of UMNO and the survival of the Malays. I have been thinking hard about it since March 8th 2008. Will ever my late father and forefathers forgive me for allowing UMNO to loose power? Sometimes I think UMNO deserves what it gets. But to think in that direction would be the easy way out, but not the right way out.

Anyway, I guess I'm lucky. I may not have a huge soul but I'm a trained and practising lawyer. I handle crisis everyday with twists and turns every now and then. Being a litigant turned small time corporate lawyer, and my biggest client is only 100 meters away, I have always trained myself to imagine and prepare for the worst-case-scenario. And I'm also trained to believe that there's more than one way out for every problems and not to be emotionally attached to problems before me. Some forgets that, I make a living on providing solutions to problems that my clients shares with me. Problem solving and surviving with problems, day in and day out are my forte. All these skills do really help.

Having said all the above, I wonder sometimes why I even bother to care. I really wish I can have a nine to five life. Play golf at my leisure like my lawyer-buddies. Read my favourite authors to inspire myself. Get the better out of my 8 year old son Adlan at PS. Help Shiqah with her homework. Read Amri bedtime stories. And hug my lovely wife more often. But then, like The Godfather K-Ngadiron said, its all fate and fated.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Few days ago, Muslims in Malaysia celebrates Eidul Fitr, the first day of Syawal, the tenth month in the Hijrah calendar. For the benefit of my non-Muslim readers, Eidul Fitr or commonly referred to by Malaysian Muslims as Hari Raya Puasa is a day for Muslims to celebrate victory after a month long of fasting. As much as fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan is obligatory for a month long, the celebration during the month of Syawal is also a month long.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Malaysian National Day Coverage

Coverage & Commentary by Al Jazeera...

Coverage & Commentary by Asia Brief...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Anything But Politics

A friend rang me up today and said a few good words about my blog. Nice pictures, nice writings bla bla bla... but too much politics he said. I asked him, what do you want me to write about. Anything but politics.

I will attempt to write about my experiences being a lawyer without breaching the code of ethics and breaking the law, client-solicitor privilege that is.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Merdeka Anniversary.. Again!

Its 31st day of August and none of us Malaysian need to be reminded of the significance of this particular day. Some refers 31st August as Hari Merdeka or Independence Day but rightfully, it is our National Day, or Hari Kebangsaan.

Whether it is Merdeka or Kebangsaan day. when I was a boy, 31st August means colourful parades, Sudirman's evergreen song "tanggal tiga puluh satu... bulan lapan lima pulih tujuh...." and of course, the military show that includes parachute jumpings and the parade of armoured cars and soldiers.

Later in my life, I grow accustomed to Merdeka day being the day to remember Tunku Abdul Rahman's historic chant of "Merdeka", seven times.

Well, with the improvement of technology, and with the emergence of YouTube, we now know for a fact, that the 'azan' was recited after the proclaimation of independence was read by Tunku in that fateful 31st August 1957.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tried, Tested & Trusted...

There is a small hair salon operating along Maxwell Road (now known as Jalan Tun Razak) for more than 25 years now. No folks, it's not a fancy hairstylist salon with long-legged blondes to make you feel at home. Its a typical indian barber shop. A 10 feet width and 20 feet length shop with cold air-conditioning, four barber stools, a radio tuned to a tamil-speaking frequency and plenty of out-of-date pop magazines.

I have returned to the same barber for my monthly hair cut for the last 24 years, with few exceptions. The same ol` barber in person. Chair number three. There were many attempts by friends, along the 24 years, to entice me to try those trendy hair-cut salons. I did try but I did not patronage.

But nothing beats my barber. His cutting strokes are very consistent and I don't have to explain what hair cutting style I require or how I want my goatie or my sideburn to look like. He reads my body language very well too. Sometimes, after a long stressful tense-filled day (you know, one of those days when I don't answer phone calls or reply smses) my hair cutting session would be one without any uttering word except a little thank you before I leave by each of us.

He is not perfect tho`. He did caused some painful cuts during my shaves sometimes. But the thing that I enjoyed most is our many conversations, our talk about the public grouses, hay-wire stock market, unpredictable weather, latest local rumours and many other topics. One thing for sure, if I'm at the barber shop at the same time as the tamil radio news, he will translate the news for me. He is a sources for my political information too. The grass root voice, so to speak.

Well, being a regular patron for more than two decades surely has its privileges.

But then again, I must admit, during the the height of hindraf-led-demonstrations, as a Malay, I too felt the anxiety. And my paranoia extends to my indian barber too. It did cross my mind, what if he trust the razor and slash my neck apart. Yes, its a silly thought, but it did cross my mind once.

But then yet for 24 years I have tried and tested his services with no room for dissatisfaction. My trips to my barber for hair cuts are like cozy-homecoming, a complete comfort. For 24 years I have trusted his hands to handle the unforgiving pair of sharp scissors and razors and never to have second thought of his sincerity and my safety, except for once.

And when the people of Permatang Pauh settles on Anwar Ibrahim instead of Arif Shah on 26th August and return the man to Parliament with bigger majority than Wan Azizah's five months ago, I have no qualms whatsoever. It did not even raise my eyebrows.

For 26 years the majority of people in Permatang Pauh have voted either Anwar Ibrahim or Wan Azizah as their parliamentarian and their trusted service person, and it will take more than 10 days of heavy campaign to denounce all the good deeds Anwar Ibrahim and his family have done for the people of Permatang Pauh. There are too many simple local Permatang Pauh people who are simply taken by Anwar's charming style and gestures. Anwar and his family are a tried, tested and trusted brand around Permatang Pauh, that is certain.

But can Anwar Ibrahim be the trusted brand for Malaysia?

In all fairness, apart from being a Prime-Minister-wannabe-at-any-cost, a convicted corrupt by three courts with competent jurisdiction, criminally accused-sodomizer - twice, alleged-agent-of-the-western-countries, Anwar Ibrahim is a charming dan captivating personality, above-average-able economic speaker and the hope of a new Malaysia, whatever form that new Malaysia might be. Maybe a new Malaysia with two Deputy Prime Ministers, representing non Malay and Borneo for a change.

I just cannot wait for September the 17th to see if the petrol price will revert back to the old price as Anwar had promised when he gets to fulfill his life-long ambition. But then, we are nice Malaysians. And nice Malaysians don't crucify leaders for lying, even if the lie is said in the mosque.

As for me, a small-time-bankrupt (yes, if all my creditors decide to recall all my debts, all at once) - lawyer, swear or no swear, my all time tried, tested and trusted brand for Malaysia is none other than Tun Dr Mahathir himself. May Allah swt extend him good health for many more years to come.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Himpunan Melayu Muda

Satu perhimpunan yang dinamakan HIMPUNAN MELAYU MUDA NEGERI PERAK akan diadakan sempena ulangtahun kemerdekaan negara Malaysia seperti berikut:


Tarikh - 30 OGOS 2008 bersamaan 28 Syaaban 1428

Masa - 9.00 pagi hingga 1.00 tengahari

Pakaian - Sopan berwarna putih. Selempang akan diberikan

DYTM Raja Muda Perak dijangka turut mencemar duli ke Himpunan ini dan menyampaikan titah.

Semua anak Muda Melayu Perak dijemput hadir bersama-sama untuk


Program ini adalah anjuran NGO-NGO Belia dan Anak Muda Perak.

Anekdot :

Himpunan Melayu Muda berjaya mencapai matlamatnya dengan kehadiran hampir 2 ribu anak muda Melayu Perak. Sungguhpun DYTM Raja Nazrin Shah tidak mencemar duli, kehadiran Sahibul Samahah Mufti Dato Seri Haji Harussani cukup menyemarakkan semangat anak-anak muda yang hadir berhimpun.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Storm in Teluk Intan...

Teluk Intan experienced a storm. The wind was strong and the rainwater was heavy. And this is not a good news for a town endangered by river erosion and eventually being washed over by the Perak river. For my readers benefit, Teluk Intan is a town surrounded by the Perak river in a 'ladam kuda' shape. If the geologist are correct, the river erosion is going to shape up straight into the path of Teluk Intan famous Menara Condong - Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan in 50 years time. I'm not a geologist to be certain of that but I'm almost certain that I would not be around to witness it.

But the storm did not interest conversation amongst UMNO politicians. There's another kind of storm and it has became the subject of most teh tarik sessions for the last few days. The nomination of Dato Zulkifli Alwi at Batak Rabit Utara branch have stirred up the local UMNO scene. And I was informed, it caused discontenment and some angry voices as well.

The head branch, Abang Razak was pressured to nominate Dato Idris Hashim as Division Head despite strong disagreement amongst the branch members. Arrangements were made to counter-nominate Haji Termizi Yusof instead. And that was supposedly the script. In politics, never assume the obvious. Dato Zulkifli Alwi's name came up in Batak Rabit Utara from nowhere and in the last hours before the branch meeting. Pressures and incentives could not persuade sentiments and loyalty.

While the nomination stirred up many people, the subject matter now is who was behind the plotting. Few names cropped up since last Sunday and have became the target of anger and dissatisfactions. No, my name have not been associated. But then again, Batak Rabit has always been my home-turf.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

And my Sunday afternoon...

After leaving Kampung Batak Rabit, Lan drove to Garuda, an indonesian-food restaurant. The food is just average, but the restaurant is choosen for a different reason. Its normally empty on a Sunday and that's good for political meet-up.

The group was already there when I arrived. Nadziruddin, Halili, Kadir, Fuad, Saini, Jay E, Dani, Samad, Zul, Azman, Osman, Hanif Ghazali, Fahmi, Jamil, Shahrul and the whole gang. The Ketua Pemuda team and his campaign machinery. Missing from the scene is my own machinery. Sahak had a family matter today.

I officially joined Teluk Intan UMNO politics in 2004. When my late father was at the helm of power, he had never allowed me to be actively involved because I was a student then. But I tagged along, and after years of watching and listening, I learnt the trade by heart. In 2006, I ran for my first UMNO election. We call it G2 election. It means the election of two representatives from the Teluk Intan Youth Division to UMNO Malaysia Youth General Assembly. It was a hectic and taxing three months campaign as I was up against three other strong candidates.

Razaligh Hamzah, the incumbent division youth secretary, Zamanhuri Yaakob, the previous division youth secretary and Yuzailie Yusof, a rich-son youth aspirant and division committee member all had years of track record and involvement in the local UMNO scene as headstart to the campaign. I only had a surname.

Sahak was introduced to me by Zainal Zain. I will excite readers with the story of Zainal Zain later. Sahak is currently one of the division youth exco member. Fish whole-seller in the morning and a goat breeder in the afternoon, Sahak is an extremely rare diamond in politics. If I ever write a self-biography, I would dedicate a chapter for this outstanding man. Sahak and I enjoys a superb political chemistry. This is what I call fate and fated.

This is the man who I would say is primarily responsible for my success in Teluk Intan UMNO politics thus far. This is a man, who despite his setbacks, is politically smart and savvy. Sahak is definitely a 'creme de la creme'.

Campaign machinery meet-ups are common during the UMNO election season. Many things are discussed, generally. There was a nice theory by Brother Kadir that the contest between Nadziruddin and Yuzailie for the Youth Division Head post is like the animosity between Popeye The Sailor and Brutus. One with good heart and the other with selfish intentions. Kadir went on saying that Popeye will never loose once he gets his spinach. I wonder what spinach is insinuated to mean here. One naive soul asked, "who is Olivia then"?

A momentary silence before a laughter broke out. I laughed out loud myself as I agreed with Kadir that, considering all circumstances except for the fact that Olivia is a woman, that Olivia would best be me. The holy grail perhaps?

It is now almost 2.30 pm and there will be two branch meetings this afternoon, namely Teluk Intan Timur and Changkat Jong. We are on the move again.

We reached Teluk Intan Timur branch meeting and the usual political ritual begins. Plenty of warm-hand shakes and plenty of grins. "Apa khabor?" would be my normal opening line to the older folks. But today when I arrived at Teluk Intan Timur, I suddenly feel very sad. I got emotional.

Teluk Intan Timur is an UMNO branch with strong and solid membership base. Usually, the branch meeting is held at the Sultan Idris Shah school canteen, without fail. This year, the use of schools have been prohibited to political functions and that include UMNO. As such, the branch moved their meeting to Pusat Kelab Sukan Komuniti. Its a cabin with small shade. But that's not the point.

UMNO has been the major ruling party in this country for 51 years, since independence. It has form the federal government after each general election without fail under the Perikatan and later Barisan Nasional alliance with other component parties including, among others, MCA, MIC and Gerakan. The current and all previous Malaysian Prime Ministers is and were UMNO President. UMNO holds the world record in modern democracy for being the longest ruling party to govern a country without interval.

Yet, when Barisan Nasional fail to win enough seats in the 12th General Election to form several state governments, UMNO suffered. UMNO is now the leading opposition party in my home state Perak. No more Dewan Orang Ramai or school canteen to hold UMNO grassroots meetings.

The defeat of Barisan Nasional in Perak and other states in the 12th GE was beyond anyone's imagination. No one said it was expected. Well, I concluded one point - it proves the HUGE gap that have evolved between the ordinary rakyat and the leaders, top and grassroot leaders as well. No one saw it coming. UMNO did not smell it. UMNO no longer have the unique ability to feel the 'heartbeat' of the Malays it once enjoyed as the bedrock of its strength.

The issue is, after 62 years since the inception of UMNO and after 51 years of government rule, gripping to power in every sense of it, UMNO did not prepare itself for defeats like the one on 8 th of March and is definitely not ready for old age. In 51 years, UMNO should have ensured that UMNO branches nationwide have their own Dewan or activity centres and atleast have some assets to ensure self-reliability, financially.

But UMNO never thought it could loose the grip to power. Its a sheer arrogance that I must admit earned the wrath of God Al-Mighty. And the good men of Teluk Intan Timur suffered.

The youth branch head here is one Remie Man. A fine young gentleman. He and his members delivered my 20th nomination as the Vice Head of the Division Youth Wing. He did cause some stir and laughter when he intentionally delayed Dani Sultan's nomination as G2 candidate.

After the youth meeting ended smoothly, the branch meeting proceeded. Nadziruddin gestured a signal that all of us ought to leave. Changkat Jong meeting is in progress and there's an interesting contest going on.

As the entourage make their move to Changkat Jong which is 20 minutes away, I took a deep breath. My shoulders felt heavier. UMNO must revive itself and regain the trust of the Malays and non Malays, the rakyat so to speak. I humbly believe, its must be back to basic with practical improvements. I hope Teluk Intan Timur would not have to hold their meetings under shades and trees forever.

My Sunday morning...

I woke up as late as 6.45 am to say my morning prayers. Yes, seek forgiveness. We human do sin sometimes. As I prepare my small luggage bag, in case I need to change later in the day, I looked into the mirror. Plain Saiful Adli. How time flies and one thing struck my mind - I'm not getting any younger..

Lan, my buddy, confidente and personal helper, came around to my house at 7.45 am and after sending Adlan to his soccerkid practise, we make our way to Teluk Intan, 92 km away from Ipoh through the fastest route, not the shortest. Common mistake among political greenhorns. Its the start of a long Sunday for me, with expected twists and turns along the day.

I was born in Teluk Anson, the old name for Teluk Intan. My family and myself moved to Ipoh back in December 1976 and I was only two then. Both my paternal and maternal grandparents were from Teluk Intan. Chikus, Sungai Tunku, Sungai Sumun and Batak Rabit are places that can all be associated to my family, someway or rather.

We arrived at Teluk Intan around 9.30 am and I went straight to Kedai Pak Ya, a popular breakfast joint for the local UMNO people. Here is where the latest news and rumours about local politics are discussed and more often than not, with some embellishment. Its like having breakfast with tabloids.

There are always familiar faces at Kedai Pak Ya. There's Wak Hashim and Sudin satay today. I had a malay diet breakfast - nasi lemak, two half-boiled eggs and two mugs of coffee. Here I set my eyes and ears on the local people, there's a lot to be learnt. Simple people with simple thinking and simple needs. They talk simple too. And their simpleness means that they can be very direct sometimes. Humility and sincerity is the way to blend with plenty of smiles and laughs too.

My trips to Teluk Intan have always boosted my motivation, if not my ego. Many years ago, my late father was the local leader. A respected one. And more respected after 'they' toppled him and realised that the leader they brought in to replace my late father was no equal. 'Anak arwah Dato Resad' - is how I'm normally referred to. Honestly, that reference always strike the very bottom of my soul. It sinks into me a sense of pride, but more often, it kicks into me a sense of responsibility to continue arwah's good deeds to the people of Teluk Intan.

The routine mantra now begins. Its politics time.

I was joined by Hasnol dan Dani, two young youth aspirant who are worlds apart in style and mind-method. We discussed the latest political developments and update ourselves with the local news. One is a newcomer yet hard worker. The other is a dreamer yet try to impress others for the wrong reasons.

Its 10 am and we are on the move. It's gonna be a long day. Three UMNO branch meetings and for me, its a combination of public relations exercise, understanding the micro needs of each locality and of course, the expansion of political influence. In layman terms, its more like meet-the-people, warm-hand-shakes, gentle-shoulder-pat and sharing-political-news and concerns.

First stop is Kampung Batak Rabit. Its my maternal grandmother's home-village actually. One of my 'home-ground' when it comes to political equation. The Branch head is Awalluddin Osman, fondly known as Buntak. A humourous, unpredictable yet reasonable character. Warm gestures were quickly exchanged and good (sweet-talking) words were subject of loud-cheeky laughs. That is the normal scenario you would get to see at most UMNO branch meetings in Teluk Intan, that is.

The meeting started with the branch permanent chairman taking the microphone and announced the attendance. Coincidently, the permanent chairman is the branch head's elder brother, one happy go lucky Zul Lobo. Yes, Lobo and he is mid 50s. Talk about cronyism in UMNO, but hey, come to Kampung Batak Babit Teluk Intan and make your own assessment. They are all family here, and this is how things work. No disgruntled voices over such arrangements because that is what the merit warrants.

Speeches by the Youth Head, Nadziruddin Wak Bandi, Buntak and Haji Rahman Sheikh followed. Haji Abdul Rahman Sheikh is running for the Deputy Division Head post and this is his home-branch. I respect this man for his sheer guts and "never say die attitude". Hard-pressed by political ploys to block his nominations, he fights and remain a fighter till death do him apart. A character and attitude UMNO must have for old age.

While the speakers are making fiery 'perjuangan' speeches, I sat at the back of audience with friends and 'plotters'. *Grins. There were Man Black, Din Majid, Atan, Awang and few others. While the general public may think UMNO is corrupt, filled with conspiracies and power-crazy people, I would always argue otherwise.

Recently, an old friend criticized UMNO for being 'a dirty-out-of-trend party'. I shrug him off by saying "you are not even a member of UMNO.. dont tell things to me like you know. You have no idea what UMNO really is like." The conversation went on by him saying to me, "dont waste your time with politics bro, its dirty and unworthy". I dont know why I immediately got furious.

I told straight to his face. "If it's dirty, what are you doing to help make a difference? Political power is the very basis of the our future. This is Tanah Melayu and I'll defend that even if it means sacrificing my life. Its nothing personal for myself. Its for my children's future and its my duty bound. I'm not ashamed to use all my knowledge and resources, slug it off in the mud and dirty myself, if that what it takes for me to try make a difference. Even if I failed, atleast I can say that I have tried my utmost best the whole of my life".

UMNO is not what many outsiders imagine it is. Yes, I will admit that there are some unhealthy practises in UMNO but in all fairness, UMNO is like your 'rumah pusaka'. The house that you were born and bred, raised and fed. No matter how old, dirty or fragile it gets, you can never sell your 'rumah pusaka'. It would be like selling your soul. It would be like selling your roots.

The meeting is now almost over. Nominations were as expected. Haji Termizi Hj Yusof as Division Head, Haji Abdul Rahman Sheikh as Deputy Division Head and Anwar Mestar as Vice Division Head. I shall not bore readers with the the ploy behind the nominations, its too complicated. But one thing certain, I got my 19th nomination from Kampung Batak Rabit this morning as Vice Head of the Division Youth Wing and maintained my 100% nomination thus far.

After having feast-lunch, I seek permission to leave. Its already 12 noon and there's more meetings and more political meet-ups and discussions (yes, conspiracies too) for me to attend to. As usual, Lan was already at the car. I said my thanks to Buntak, his wife, Zul Lobo, Rahman Sheikh and a whole lot more. Well, everyone. More warm-hand-shakes, gentle-shoulder-pat and meaningful-eye -contact. And I said my silence prayers for my maternal grandmother, Hajjah Halijah Said.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Politik Melayu : RePost A Kadir Jasin

ORANG Melayu yang tahu sedikit sebanyak mengenai politik, ekonomi dan diplomasi pasti berasa sangat malu dengan kedudukan kepemimpinan negara sekarang.

Hendak tidak hendak, buruk atau baik hakikatnya kepemimpinan Melayu “masih” berupa tunjang dan tonggak kepada kepemimpinan negara.

(Saya sengaja menggunakan istilah “masih” kerana ia membawa maksud sementara. Mungkin selepas ini orang Melayu tidak akan lagi menjadi tunjang dan tonggak kepemimpinan negara.)

Di hadapan kita, kaum-kaum lain mungkin tidak mentertawakan kita. Malah mereka terus berharap Malaysia stabil dan maju di bawah kuasa majoriti Melayu.

Tetapi di belakang kita, di dalam forum-forum tertutup dan di arena antarabangsa kepemimpinan Melayu kini menjadi bahan sindiran, jenaka, ketawa dan kutukan.

Betapa tidak, kepemimpinan Melayu, sama ada daripada sudut realiti atau persepsi, dilihat sebagai lemah di segi pemikiran, korup, rendah moral dan pekerti, berpecah-belah dan hipokrasi.

Akibat daripada realiti dan persepsi ini, timbullah pelbagai tuduhan, tohmahan dan syak wasangka terhadap pembesar politik Melayu daripada Perdana Menteri kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan ketua de facto pakatan pembangkang.

1. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dilihat sebagai lemah, tidak berkemampuan dan mengamalkan kronisme dan nepotisme;

2. Abdullah diuar-uarkan sebagai mengamalkan kebebasan dan keterbukaan tetapi institusi-institusi utama demokrasi dan ekonomi dirampas oleh konco-konconya yang beragenda peribadi;

3. Mohd Najib Abdul Razak dikaitkan dengan kes pembunuhan yang melibatkan penasihat dan pengawal keselamatannya. (Dia bersumpah dengan nama Allah dia tidak mengenali wanita Mongolia mangsa pembunuhan itu.); dan

4. Anwar Ibrahim dengan laporan liwat oleh seorang muda yang pernah menjadi pembantu di pejabat Parti Keadilan Rakyat. (Dia mahu penuduhnya bersumpah “qazaf” dengan mengemukakan empat saksi lelaki yang sempurna akal yang menyaksikan perbuatan itu.)

Realiti dan persepsi negatif ini tidak terhad kepada kepemimpinan politik sahaja. Ia turut merebak dan mencemari pentadbiran awan, polis dan kehakiman yang majoriti penjawatnya adalah Melayu.

Pegawai-pegawai tinggi awan ditangkap kerana disyaki melakukan rasuah -- yang terbaru dari Jabatan Imigresen -- dan Ketua Polis Negara dan Peguam Negara didakwa memalsukan bukti perbicaraan.

Hari demi hari penarafan (rating) antarabangsa negara dalam pelbagai bidang merosot dan imej negara di mata dunia semakin buruk.

Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Jabatan Negara Amerika misalnya menyifatkan Malaysia sebagai negara yang terbabit atau menjadi pangkalan kepada “human trafficking”(jual-beli manusia).

Tahun lalu ia meletakkan Malaysia dalam “Tier 3” di segi pematuhan terhadap akta perlindungan jual-beli manusia.

Imej Malaysia menjadi semakin buruk dan meruncing setelah Kerajaan British baru-baru ini mengancam pengenaan visa ke atas pemegang pasport Malaysia mulai akhir tahun ini.

Alasannya adalah terlalu ramai pembawa pasport palsu Malaysia dikesan cuba memasuki negara itu. Tidak lama selepas itu, pegawai-pegawai Imigresen yang disyaki rasuah ditahan.

Cadangan Britain itu meletakkan Malaysia setaraf dengan negara-negara seperti Brazil, Lesotho, Swaziland (bukan Switzerland), Afrika Selatan dan Venezuela.

Ini semua adalah kemelut kepemimpinan yang lemah yang gagal mempertahankan imej dan integriti negara.

Manakala kita mungkin menganggap apa yang berlaku sekarang sebagai hal ehwal dalam negara, tetapi tindak tanduk para pembesar kita sedang diperhatikan dan diteliti di seluruh dunia oleh para diplomat, pelabur, pelancong dan bakal pelajar yang hendak datang belajar di negara kita.

Di dalam negara, kepemimpinan Melayu yang hambar sekarang bukan sekadar dipersendakan malah dijadikan alasan oleh pemodal tempatan untuk membekukan pelaburan mereka atau untuk membawa keluar modal.

Kalau pemimpin akar umbi dan ahli Umno yang akan bersidang di peringkat cawangan mulai 17 Julai ini tidak membuat perubahan dengan memilih barisan pemimpin baru yang lebih berwibawa, bukan sahaja Umno akan menuju jalan kehancuran malah orang Melayu keseluruhannya akan menderita.

Hari ini, ramai orang Melayu tidak lagi yakin dengan Umno. Malah ramai yang mula mengarahkan pandangan kepada Pas dengan harapan parti itu boleh mengambil alih peranan parti utama orang Melayu.

Umno dan negara memerlukan kepemimpinan baru yang cekap dan berwibawa bagi menangani suasana ekonomi yang semakin meruncing sekarang.

Kedudukan orang Melayulah yang paling terancam dalam suasana politik dan ekonomi yang kucar-kacir sekarang kerana kuasa ekonomi mereka yang lemah berbanding kaum-kaum lain.

Memetik kata-kata ulama besar Sheikh Abdullah Fahim --- “Sesiapa yang berjuang dengan nama Allah dan niat baik sentiasa dalam keredaan Allah, tetapi siapa yang lupakan niat, khianat dan tamak akan dimurkai Allah, akhirnya menjadi hina.” (Mokhtar Petah – Sheikh Abdullah Fahim Penentu Tarikh Kemerdekaan Negara 31 Ogos, 1957. Pustaka Antara 1997.)

Anekdot: Pada tahun 2005, dengan persetujuan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Proton dipaksa menjual MV Agusta dengan harga satu Uuro dan menderita kerugian RM500 juta. Pada 12 Julai lalu, BMW menjual MV Agusta kepada Harley-Davidson dengan harga US$109 juta (RM359.7 juta). Tidakkah Badan Pencegah Rasuah atau sebuah suruhanjaya bebas berminat menyiasat kejadian ini?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Transition of Power : June 2010

The first thing I did this morning was to settle on the newspapers. Pak Lah had announced yesterday in an closed-door UMNO meeting for top leadership, we call it "ketua empat peringkat", that he will step down as President of UMNO in June 2010 and Pak Lah has chosen Najib as his "hand-picked" successor.

I let myself two mugs of coffee before I come to terms with the statement.

My initial response is that democracy in UMNO is dead. A leader "hand-picked" his successor, declares it in open forum and expect others to follow.. what can we tell about that..? Were member's opinion sought? Yes, anyone may contest.. but we have decided, after me is you, then after you, him...

When will UMNO learn that this so called tradition is no longer the accepted trend in UMNO. The words of a leader, unlike during my father's and forefather's time, is subject to scrutiny by ordinary members. UMNO have grown too big to have single voice accepted by everyone.

Zaman ahli-ahli UMNO hanya menjadi tukang tepuk tangan dan tukang memenuhkan dewan sudah berakhir.

I never fancied Ku Li, but I agreed with what he reported to have said in the Star today. Its improper for Pak Lah to hand over post as it is an elected post and I shall add, its also improper for Pak Lah to treat the Presidency of UMNO as if he has the right of ownership to pass it to whoever he like.

I'm an UMNO member. I have no time for all these footsie-tootsie. Its time to work and work hard to gain the trust of all Malays and non Malays to support UMNO. June 2010 may be a little too late. Pak Lah have to go now and let UMNO members pick his successor.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I was in the News... Berita Harian 2nd July

DAP tunjuk belang kuasai pentadbiran Perak

Oleh Ridzuan Yop dan Shamsul Kamal Amarudin

Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat selama 100 hari belum ada agenda besar, lebih bertumpu kepada ceramah

SELEPAS 100 hari Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memerintah kerajaan negeri Perak, apa yang berlaku? Yang nyata, pentadbiran kerajaan negeri sekarang, seolah-olah dikuasai dan dilaksanakan mengikut kehendak DAP yang menjadi parti dominan dalam PR dan bukannya mengikut hala tuju Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin.

Malah, satu lagi perubahan ketara ialah semakin banyak ceramah politik yang semakin menjadi-jadi dan dilakukan hampir setiap malam.

Hakikatnya, banyak pihak melihat kerajaan negeri yang baru ini belum membawa perubahan atau berjaya menetapkan hala tuju yang konkrit bagi membawa kemakmuran dan pembangunan kepada rakyat negeri itu yang memilih mereka pada pilihan raya umum lalu. Pada masa sama, rata-rata juga berpendapat tidak adil untuk menilai kemampuan kerajaan negeri yang baru ditubuhkan dalam tempoh itu, kerana 100 hari adalah satu tempoh masa singkat berbanding masa diambil kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang sudah memerintah Perak sejak 11 penggal lalu.

Namun, pemerhati politik berpendapat 100 hari adalah tempoh penting kepada sesuatu kerajaan negeri yang baru dalam merangka satu hala tuju yang konkrit untuk tempoh lima atau 10 akan datang.

Walaupun mereka baru mengambil alih tugas mentadbir negeri, rata-rata pemimpin kerajaan negeri yang ada sekarang berpengalaman sebagai barisan pembangkang yang sebelum ini mempunyai pelbagai cadangan.

Dalam mentadbir kerajaan negeri sekarang ahli Exco DAP dilihat lebih dominan kerana mereka mempunyai enam ahli Exco berbanding Pas (dua) termasuk Menteri Besar, manakala Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tiga.

Berbanding ketika pentadbiran BN, Umno memegang tujuh portfolio Exco termasuk Menteri Besar, manakala MCA (dua), Gerakan (satu) dan MIC (satu).

Maka, jelaslah sedikit sebanyak kuasa orang Melayu dalam mentadbir kerajaan negeri sekarang sudah mula terhakis dan wujud kebimbangan mungkin berlaku beberapa keputusan yang jika tidak diperhalusi akan merugikan orang Melayu sendiri.

Pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 pada 8 Mac lalu, BN menang 29 kerusi dengan Umno menang 28 kerusi dan MCA satu, manakala DAP menang semua 18 kerusi yang ditandinginya, sementara Pas dan PKR masing-masing menang enam dan tujuh kerusi.

Bekas Exco Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, berkata walaupun sudah 100 hari memerintah, sehingga kini rakyat belum melihat agenda besar dibawa oleh kerajaan negeri selain mengungkit apa yang disifatkan sebagai kelemahan kerajaan negeri yang lalu walaupun mereka sehingga kini belum dapat membuktikannya.

Beliau yang juga Adun Pangkor berkata, berdasarkan laporan dan tindakan kerajaan negeri sekarang, rakyat kini turut tertanya-tanya dan keliru siapa sebenarnya menjadi ketua kerajaan dan menguasai kerajaan negeri.

Katanya, ada pihak melihat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri sekarang dikuasai dan dilaksanakan mengikut kehendak DAP yang menjadi parti dominan dalam PR dan bukannya mengikut hala tuju Menteri Besar.

Dr Zambry berkata, maklum balas diterima daripada rakyat terhadap pemerintahan kerajaan negeri setakat ini ialah satu-satunya perubahan besar berlaku di Perak, cuma ceramah politik yang semakin menjadi-jadi dan dilakukan hampir setiap malam.

"Penilaian ini dibuat hasil maklum balas daripada penyokong BN, pengundi atas pagar dan pengundi yang mengambil keputusan menyokong PR pada pilihan raya umum lalu.

"Menteri Besar memberi alasan ia dilakukan untuk memberi penerangan kepada rakyat berhubung dasar yang diambil kerajaan negeri tetapi maklum balas yang saya terima ialah ceramah yang diadakan lebih tertumpu kepada mengutuk individu politik tertentu dan parti politik lawan," katanya.

Penganalisis politik, Prof Madya Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff, berkata dalam tempoh 100 hari ini, beliau belum nampak ada perubahan besar dalam pemerintahan kerajaan negeri kecuali pertukaran kerajaan daripada BN kepada PR.

Pensyarah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) itu berkata, sehingga kini belum ada agenda besar yang ditunjukkan kerajaan PR untuk rakyat Perak bagi menunjukkan ia berlainan atau lebih baik daripada kerajaan negeri lalu.

"Bagaimanapun, situasi Menteri Besar daripada Pas yang bukan majoriti boleh survive menunjukkan apa yang dikatakan sebagai kerapuhan ikatan kerjasama dalam PR tidak lagi boleh terpakai. Agak menakjubkan juga kerajaan negeri ini boleh terus bertahan walaupun kerjasama itu membabitkan dua parti yang terlalu ekstrem dalam ideologi politik masing-masing," katanya.

Dr Mohammad Agus berkata, rakyat secara umum tidak menganggap Melayu kehilangan kuasa politik di Perak kerana melihat kedudukan Menteri Besar yang masih disandang orang Melayu dan kewujudan institusi kesultanan Perak yang mendapat kepercayaan penuh rakyat untuk menjadi pelindung mereka.

Malah, katanya, sudah sampai masanya bagi semua pihak melihat kuasa politik Melayu dalam konteks lebih luas iaitu kuasa politik yang kembali kepada rakyat.

"Soal Melayu hilang kuasa bukan saja diperkatakan di Perak tetapi juga di Selangor tetapi kedua-dua kerajaan negeri ini sehingga kini terus `survive yang secara tidak langsung menunjukkan orang Melayu yakin dengan kemampuan pemimpin dua kerajaan itu.

"Cuma di Perak rakyat masih tertunggu-tunggu agenda besar yang akan dilaksanakan untuk kesejahteraan mereka," katanya.

Penganalisis politik, Prof Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam, berkata Adun DAP menguasai banyak Exco penting dan membuat keputusan penting kerajaan negeri Perak sekarang.

"Pas pula terlalu minoriti untuk menjadi tenaga penting dalam kerajaan negeri dalam memperjuangkan agenda Melayu/Islam manakala agenda PKR pula hampir sama dengan DAP.

"Bukan bermakna kita bersifat perkauman tetapi dalam keadaan orang Melayu masih ketinggalan dalam ekonomi dan meritokrasi serta wujud peruntukan dalam perlembagaan mengenai hak orang Melayu, kita tidak tahu siapa yang akan membawa agenda perjuangan Melayu selain Umno," katanya.

Dr Ramlah memberi contoh, tindakan kerajaan negeri mengadakan pilihan raya bagi pemilihan ketua kampung sebenarnya boleh memecah-belahkan lagi perpaduan di kalangan orang Melayu peringkat akar umbi sedangkan pada masa sama perpaduan orang bukan Melayu semakin kuat bagi mengemukakan tuntutan yang kelihatan semakin banyak dipenuhi.

Beliau bagaimanapun berkata, tempoh 100 hari mungkin terlalu singkat untuk melihat kesannya terhadap kuasa politik orang Melayu tetapi masyarakat Melayu di Perak perlu berfikir untuk tempoh empat tahun lagi pemerintahan PR.

Dr Ramlah berkata, dalam beberapa siri kunjungannya ke Perak beberapa minggu lalu, beliau melihat orang Melayu masih kukuh menyokong Umno hanya di kalangan mereka yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas atau sudah lama berjuang dalam parti itu.

Justeru, katanya, jika Umno mahu memastikan kuasa politik orang Melayu kembali di Perak, parti itu perlu bekerja keras bagi menarik minat golongan muda kembali menyokong parti itu dan memastikan ahli Umno sedia ada tidak 'bertempiaran seperti anak ayam kehilangan ibu.'

Pengerusi Dewan Muda Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) Perak, Saiful Adli Mohd Arshad, pula berkata kini wujud kebimbangan di kalangan usahawan Melayu ekoran dasar kerajaan negeri yang baru lebih menjurus kepada pemberian hak dan peluang sama rata ekonomi yang jelas bertentangan dengan perlembagaan yang menyebut mengenai hak istimewa orang Melayu.

"Kami sudah mengadakan kunjungan hormat ke pejabat Menteri Besar bulan lalu tetapi beliau sendiri tidak dapat menjanjikan apa-apa agenda baru terutama berkaitan rancangan membangunkan usahawan muda.

"Malah, sehingga kini banyak timbul keadaan ketidakpastian daripada segi perniagaan bukan saja di kalangan usahawan Melayu malah ekonomi Perak secara keseluruhan," katanya.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya belum mendengar ada rancangan baru yang akan dilaksanakan kerajaan negeri sebaliknya boleh dikatakan dalam keadaan `teraba-raba' mengekalkan kerajaan selain lebih bersifat mentadbir perancangan kerajaan negeri yang lalu.

"Saya rasa mungkin tempoh 100 hari terlalu singkat untuk membuat penilaian terhadap kerajaan negeri yang baru, mungkin kita boleh beri masa 200 hari lagi," katanya.